Celebration of a New Appointment 2015

As I was talking with the leaders at my new appointment, I got the feeling that they felt this service needed a face lift.  Here is my attempt at making something old new again.  One of the things I am trying to emphasize is the aspect of the Word in ministry and Local Missions.  Feedback would be appreciated greatly!


Service of Installation for 2015


By leader: 

Friends, today we welcome Pastor ________________.

Through prayerful discernment Bishop _____________ has sent him/her to serve, lead, and love in Christ as our Pastor.

_______, you have been called by God and sent by the Church

to live among us as an example of the Word,

to preach and teach the Word in mercy and grace,

and to offer the Word at Table, at Font,

in Mission and in Service.


You are sent to love, lead, and with us make disciples for the transformation of the world.


By Pastor:

I have been called and sent, and with God’s grace and help

I will love, lead, and with you make disciples for the transformation of the world.


By leader:

Friends in Christ, let us celebrate this new beginning!



God is with us.  God is with you.

You will pray for us – We will pray for you.

You will be with us in joy and in grief.

We will be with you in celebration and sorrow.

You will give your gifts to God among us.

We will share God’s blessings to us with you.

Together we will serve and witness to Christ’s Kingdom

in our community and to our neighbors.


By leader or volunteers with symbolic items given or lifted up:

Preach the Word (Bible)

Baptize new Disciples (Water)

and Offer Christ constantly (Bread and Wine)

as you Lead us to be Servants of all (Towel and Basin)

in Mission in our Community.  (Something that represents the local community)


By leader:

This stole reminds us that you have been set apart for the ministry of an Elder. (Stole)



 Shepherd us as our Pastor.



 This yoke is laid upon me, I take it willingly.



Lord, bless the ministries of our church.

Live among us as your Living Word.

Preach your Word through our words and actions.

Give us grace to share with one another and the world

as we seek to be Disciples who make Disciples

in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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