Tag Archives: police

Prayer for Worship June 7, 2020

Lord of justice and mercy,

You, who created all of us in your diverse and beautiful image;

You, who spoke in a great wind to all tribes and nations;

You, who taught us love in human form.

Bless the grieving,

Who cry because their sons, daughters, mothers and fathers did not make it home,

Whose tears beg to be seen, whose cries beg to be heard, and whose names must be said:

George Floyd, Ahmaud Aubrey, images of God whose humanity was cut from them.

Bless the protester.

Who chants for justice and peace as they shout, “I can’t breathe.”

Who stands united against hatred and apathy, “Hands up, Don’t Shoot.”

Who gathers armed not with weapons or bricks but with non-violent presence forged by love.

Bless the police officer.

Who stands there, staring off into a happier place as vitriol and rage assault,

Who takes the knee to ask for forgiveness for crimes of others who have shamed the badge,

Who hold accountable not just looters and opportunists

but also those who abuse entrusted power, putting their knee on the neck of humanity.

Teach us love.

Blow your wind across this land.

Show us that we are not fully recreated in your image until we see you in one another.

Send justice, send mercy.  Amen.

(C)2020 Nathan Decker, worshipswake.wordpress.com

Advent Candle Readings (intended for a single service)

Advent Candle Readings

Note:  I’ll be using these at my Midnight Mass service for 2016.  They could be used in separate services, however, for future years.  Please feel free to edit the places of conflict mentioned under the Candle of Peace.  


We light this candle in hope.

Hope for salvation from apathy and hatred.

Hope for change in our hearts and minds.

Hope for holding hands instead of holding wounds.

Hope to warm us in the dark of night.


We light this candle for peace.

Peace for hearts shell-shocked with grief.

Peace for places like Aleppo, Mosel, and Yemen.

Peace for Police and Protester.

Peace to shine in the dark of night.


We light this candle for joy.

Joy for a family finding a place for the birth.

Joy for a baby born in a stable.

Joy for shepherds sharing good news.

Joy to comfort in the dark of night.


We light this candle in love.

Love for Emmanuel, God with us.

Love for Jesus, Savior born this night.

Love from God; Love come down.

Love to bring light in the dark of night.




Light this candle for Christ.

Christ, the Child who gives us Hope.

Christ, the Promised Prince of Peace.

Christ to whom the Angels sing – “Joy unspeakable!”

Christ, God’s Love.  Emmanuel.  God with us.

Jesus, Love divine that came down from heaven.

Jesus, Joy that awakens each heart this night.

Jesus, Peace to quell the fears and wars of humanity.

Jesus, Hope in this darkness.

God lights this Candle for you and me.

God lights this Candle giving us the best gift possible.

God lights this candle to comfort us in the warmth of hope and joy.

God lights this candle to shine peace and guide us to love in the dark of night.

God light this Candle for Christmas, and may its flame never extinguish.



(CC) 2016.  Worship’s Wake, Nathan Decker

Blessing of Men and Women in Law Enforcement

Blessing of Law Enforcement April 2016

Beloved Jesus,

You came down to serve, to protect, and to give your life to save another.

You served humanity, showing us love and sharing what we could be when shaped by that love.

You protected the weak, the abused, the outcasts, and those society have given up on – walking with the least and the worst.

You gave your live for the cause of those who didn’t deserve it, and we are eternally grateful for your gift.

Before us now are men and women who seek

to follow you

to serve and protect

and who daily place their lives in danger on behalf of our community.

Bless them, Savior.

Provide mercy and justice in each call they answer.

Protect them with the Armor of God in addition to body armor.

In those moments when quick decisions can change and save lives, Spirit, give that peace and practiced discernment of choosing right over wrong, love to conquer hate, and restrained force to rein in unrestrained behavior.

Lord, these men and women, especially today, endure such judgment and difficulty in completing the work set before them

give them patience, perseverance, and understanding

and let them know your presence in the patrol car, in the dispatch room, in the day and in the night.  You are the Lord who said you would always be with us, to the end of the age, Jesus.  Amen.